About Me
First things first, welcome to Zoey’s Corner of the Sky!
I hope you find thoughts and images here that help you love the world and your place within it.

I’m a writer and editor dedicated to “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible,” as Charles Eisenstein called it in his book of that title—a world dominated by beauty and love, kindness and caring.
Where cooperation and symbiosis are valued more than competition and conquest.
Where healing is nurtured, encouraged, and assisted in every way possible.

What can I do to further that vision?
I combine a keen analytical mind with an empathetic heart touched by decades (maybe millennia?) of both agony and ecstasy.
The triumphs and tragedies I’ve experienced have given me a unique viewpoint that is always centered in love.

Don’t get me wrong; I frequently stray from that center. But at the end of the day, love is what I come back to.
Big love, the kind of love we don’t know we’re capable of until after we’ve tried and failed more than a few times.
The kind of love we learn on our own personal “path with a heart,” as Carlos Castaneda described it in The Teachings of Don Juan back in 1968.

The only way we can achieve this more beautiful world is to call back the Divine Feminine, long banished by the male gods of monotheistic religions.
Which is not to say that I believe there is more than one “God,” but I most certainly believe that God has many, many faces—and we must start talking to the feminine faces. The many incarnations and manifestations of the Great Mother that have existed since the dawn of time.
My own personal practice for the past year or two has been to say a daily non-denominational rosary with a Facebook group known as The Way of the Rose, based upon my friends Clark Strand and Perdita Finn’s book of the same name.

I hope you will join me on this “less traveled” road.
Who knows?
It just might make all the difference.