• Health and Science

    Critical Thinking 101: The Vaccine Debate

    It appears that there is a great deal of consensus today that a large segment of the population is deficient in critical thinking skills. The funny thing is that I see this opinion espoused by people on all sides of every issue. It even comes from some people I consider to be entirely devoid of critical thinking skills. Apparently, there is no consensus on what constitutes critical thinking.

  • Health and Science

    Mirror Neurons and Imitation: Another Piece of the Autism Puzzle?

    We’re always hearing about how autism is a puzzle. “They” don’t know what causes it or what treatments are most effective. If you listen to what “they” say, you would believe that there is nothing that can be done to help your child. But a number of pieces of the puzzle have been worked out by parents and researchers that have received little to no publicity.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Autism Speaks Accused of Violating the Americans with Disabilities Act

    Simone Greggs is a single mother with two children: an 18-year-old girl just starting college and a 13-year-old boy with autism. Like many of us, she is a fierce advocate for her children and has done battle with the local school system to get her son placed in an appropriate educational situation. Luckily, she succeeded and her son, who might be considered “high functioning,” now attends a private school intended specifically for children with autism.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Lost: One Identity. If Found, Please Call . . .

    Today is the second anniversary of the day I met my boyfriend. At my age, the idea of a “boyfriend” is a little ridiculous, but nobody has come up with a term I like better, so . . . Next weekend is the fifteenth anniversary of the day I met my ex-husband; this juxtaposition of events has caused some rumination. So, in the spirit of Mama Mac’s post this week, I’m doing a “don’t make the same mistakes I made” post.

  • Health and Science

    Autoimmune Disease and Military Service: Friendly Fire?

    This country has recognized since the end of World War II that human beings have an inalienable right to bodily integrity. It sounds perfectly reasonable, doesn’t it? But would it surprise you to know that at least one huge sector of United States citizens is excluded from these principles written into the International Bill of Rights? And would it further surprise you to know that this sector is the very group charged with safeguarding the liberties of this “free country” – the American military?

  • Health and Science

    Calling All Nurses — Our Sister (and Brother) Revolutionaries

    Today is National Nurses Day. As I have one sister-in-law, two ex-sisters-in-law, two nieces, and a cousin who are all nurses -- not to mention the two good friends who recently became nurses, and the three CNMs (Certified NURSE Midwives) that delivered my babies -- I thought this was a good opportunity to celebrate the nurses in my life -- and to issue a challenge.

  • Spirituality and Prayer

    Antidote for Haterade

    I’m called the “Prof” around here for a reason. Most of my postings probably appeal to people like me who lean -- at least slightly -- toward the TJ (thinking and judgment) end of the Myers Briggs scale than the FP (feeling and perception) end. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t get stirred up by the Rev on a roll, because I sure as heck do. I can be surprisingly emotional for someone so Spock-logical.

  • Health and Science

    Autism Awareness — Infrared Style!

    If you’re reading this blog, you know by now that the CDC released new autism prevalence numbers last Thursday. Yesterday I attended the “Autism is 1 in 88” press conference presented by grassroots autism advocacy organizations. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. Each and every speaker comes across as intelligent, knowledgeable, and fed up.

  • Health and Science

    The Vaccine Program: “Victim of Its Own Success?

    Since today is St. Patrick’s Day and, as my father’s sisters were all born in Ireland (my mother's family got here a bit earlier, but they're pretty much all Irish as well), I figured my father would be turning over in his grave -- and if not him, certainly my grandfather -- if I didn’t take the opportunity to post on St. Patrick’s Day.

  • Health and Science

    The Cluelessness of the Average Physician

    My 89-year-old mother is in the hospital again, which means I have doctors on my mind, and that's never good. Some of the most frustrating experiences of my life have involved talking to doctors or, more to the point, getting them to listen.