• Politics and Policy

    New York City, Home of the Modern Religious Inquisition

    New York City. If you don’t live under a rock or in a remote island culture, those three words probably conjure up an image: metropolitan, densely populated, highly diverse, culturally rich, and liberal to a fault – except for Wall Street, of course. Those are the sorts of impressions people tend to have when they think of New York City. And they are all correct, which is why I have made New York my home for the past 29 years.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Justice for Ezekiel?

    Last Tuesday, April 26, was a red-letter day for the TMR community. Many health “revolutionaries,” myself included, were thrilled to be able to attend a United Nations conference where Dr. Martha Herbert, Kevin Barry (filling in for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who was absent due to a family emergency), and Dr. Leonardo Trasande spoke about the deleterious effects of numerous environmental intoxicants, including those that are injected, on developing brains, and NYU Professor of Law Mary Holland spoke about the human rights implications of compulsory vaccine programs and the need for truly informed consent.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Review of the Film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”

    Practically from the opening scene, the film Vaxxed grabs our attention and doesn’t let go until it has elicited every ounce of empathy and outrage the human heart is capable of. Back in 2013, William Thompson, PhD, a senior scientist at the CDC was so wracked with guilt about his participation in a CDC study on the timing of the MMR vaccine and autism that he finally picked up the phone and called Brian Hooker, PhD, biologist and autism dad, to tell him where to look for the evidence of CDC deception. Vaxxed is the story of what followed, revealing evidence of collusion, corruption, and fraud at the very agency…

  • Observation and Opinion

    Changing Media Perception: “Anti-Vaxxers Are [Fill in the Blank]”

    Originally published March 26, 2016, at www.thinkingmomsrevolution.com Recent events have prompted some startlingly contradictory emotions in me. On the one hand, a day I’ve long been dreading appears to have finally arrived, and on the other hand, a day I have been awaiting with eager anticipation may also have arrived – and ironically both are due to the pharmaceutical public relations machine. The day I’ve been dreading is the day that the PR machine finally figured out that whenever they “go negative” with people who question either the safety of one vaccine, all vaccines, or the cumulative effect of the CDC recommended schedule as a whole, they lose by it. In…

  • Health and Science

    Measles, the Public Health Crisis that . . . Wasn’t

    While doing research for an upcoming blog on the changing representation of “anti-vaxxers” in the media, I revisited some of last year’s media coverage of the recent measles outbreak at Disneyland. In the wake of that outbreak, the media turned on vaccine-hesitant parents with an unprecedented wave of vicious stories, frequently pitting more the more fearful parents against their neighbors. These articles blamed the then-current outbreak on a rising tide of vaccine exemptions and vaccine hesitancy in today’s parents, frequently referred to as the “anti-vaccine movement.”

  • Health and Science

    They’ve Found “the Autism Gene”? Don’t Be Misinformed Like This “Science Blogger”

    It has come to our attention at TMR that there is at least one “science blogger” claiming “we’ve actually found the one thing” that causes autism. “A University of North Carolina researcher actually found the gene that causes autism,” she says, and to back up her claim, which certainly needs backing up, she links this article which references this study.

  • Health and Science

    Vaccines: Allergy, Autoimmunity, Autism, and More

    A while back I wrote a blog stating that, while my own views on vaccines could be considered extreme (I had come to the conclusion that vaccines are not a good idea for anyone), I was very grateful for those whose concerns were much more lukewarm as long as they were willing to express them publicly. In that blog, I didn’t go into the reasons why I had come to that particular conclusion and expressly stated that it was my own opinion based upon years of reading the science behind the interaction of the immune system and injected vaccines. I always had it in the back of my mind to…

  • Politics and Policy

    Federal Autism Policy: Big News and Action Alert!

    Spring of 2014, I sat in a conference room in Washington, D.C. with two other representatives of the newly formed Autism Policy Reform Coalition (APRC) and five highly paid lobbyists from Autism Speaks. We were there in an effort to convince Autism Speaks that they should throw the might and weight of the most “profitable” nonprofit autism organization behind our efforts to make real change in federal autism policy.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Victory Over Autism — Practical Help for Families Seeking Recovery

    Autism is so common these days (the latest estimate in the U.S. is 1 in 45 children) that the autism section of the bookstore or library doesn’t come close to resembling the autism section of 1975 when the autism rate was considered to be about 1 in 100,000. I know this for a fact because I actually read all the books in my local library back then; I don’t remember the exact number, but I’d say there were less than 10. In contrast, I checked for “autism” in the “books” category on Amazon today and got back 15,538 items.

  • Health and Science

    Autism Reversal Toolkit: A New Book for Homeopathic Treatment of Autism

    Anyone who’s followed the Thinking Moms for any length of time is aware that, among other things, we use homeopathy to support health in ourselves and our children. Virtually all of us have found homeopathy to be a remarkable system for healing of a wide variety of physical, mental, and emotional issues. Indeed, many have used homeopathy to treat autism with varying results.