• Observation and Opinion

    The Pox Hunter: “Vaccine Advocacy” via Video Game

    I went to a lecture last Thursday night, Lady Mary’s Legacy: Vaccine Advocacy from the Turkish Embassy Letters to Video Games, after being alerted by my friend Jennifer Margulis, who lives on the other side of the country, that it would be happening.Lisa Rosner, Ph.D., author of the new book Vaccination and Its Critics: A Documentary and Reference Guide, has apparently been traveling the country giving this lecture which was to cover approximately 300 years of “vaccine advocacy” in 30 minutes, after which Rosner would introduce us to the newest tool in the vaccine-advocacy arsenal: a video game.

  • Observation and Opinion

    Measles Vaccine Propaganda is Cropping Up Again. Just Shut the F*&% Up, Please.

    I apologize in advance for the insulting and paternalistic tone of the following post. It is not my usual style for a reason: I believe that people and their concerns deserve respect and that vaccine safety arguments should stand on their merits alone. But unfortunately, not everyone agrees with me. This piece was written mimicking the style and format of a highly inflammatory opinion piece being shared at the moment from scarymommy.com. By imitating Elizabeth Broadbent’s abrasive style, I hope to highlight just how offensive it is to dismiss logical and rational concerns in this manner, while at the same time correcting many of the misconceptions contained in the original.

  • Health and Science

    “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism”: A Dazzling Scientific Achievement

    For those of us who have been reading – and talking about – the science on the subject of autism and vaccines for years, it can be very frustrating speaking with members of the medical and scientific communities, most of whom believe what they are told by the CDC and the mainstream media: all the credible science says there is no link between vaccines and autism. Of course, that's so far from the truth it’s ludicrous, but it’s certainly understandable that even scientists believe it as the lie is repeated over and over again by people who really ought to know.

  • Observation and Opinion

    2017: Time for a Shift — in Perspective

    As a child, I seemed to be afraid of everything, cats, dogs, snakes, dragonflies, ghosts, kidnappers – even ordinary ducks. And one of my missions in life has been the systematic overcoming of those fears, one by one. Mostly, I’ve been successful. Now in my fifties, my comfort zone is dramatically expanded, and there truly

  • Observation and Opinion

    What do Sugar, Trans Fat, and Vaccines Have in Common? Industry and Government Collusion Undermining Your Health

    I grew up in the 1960s, inundated by commercials for margarines made from hydrogenated vegetable oils that “promised” those margarines would keep my cholesterol levels low and protect me from heart disease. Yet in 2015, nearly 50 years later, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence of the harm they do, especially to the circulatory system and the heart, the Food and Drug Administration announced that artificial trans fats of the very sort that made up a good percentage of those margarines were no longer “generally recognized as safe,” and food manufacturers would have three years to remove these substances from their products altogether.

  • Health and Science

    Scientific Proof: Vaccines DO Cause Autism

    This is it: The Changepoint. Can you feel it? The last 30 years have led inexorably to this moment when, for the first time in history, all the candidates remaining in the race for the presidency of the United States feel the need to clarify their stance on the use of vaccines – repeatedly and conflictingly. How did we get to the point where vaccines have become such a highly charged, controversial issue? After all, if vaccines are truly as safe as “they” say they are, wouldn’t anyone want a “get out of sickness free” card?

  • Health and Science

    The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: A New Book that Will Mean Healthier Kids

    If you listen to the mainstream media, you might be under the impression that United States parents are sharply divided between those who believe all children should be vaccinated according the CDC-recommended schedule and those who believe no children should receive any vaccine ever -- and that virtually all pediatricians are firmly in the first camp.

  • Health and Science

    Feed Your Children Well: “The Dirt Cure” by Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein

    One doesn’t have to look far to notice that, when it comes to the health of either people or the planet, food is Topic #1 these days. Whether the goal is reversing obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, or any combination of the “new” childhood epidemics of chronic illness, including asthma, ADHD, autism, and allergies – especially the anaphylactic food allergies that are ubiquitous nowadays – everyone seems to be seeking the magic formula that will result in true health and wellness.

  • Observation and Opinion

    It Can Happen to You: Good Parents Make Mistakes — Sometimes Horrible Ones

    Part of this trend is laudable. Many of us didn’t feel that as children we received the best possible preparation for life, which would include a generous amount of parental loving support to help us over the difficult patches in life. Part of this trend is laudable. Many of us didn’t feel that as children we received the best possible preparation for life, which would include a generous amount of parental loving support to help us over the difficult patches in life.