Federal Autism Policy: Big News and Action Alert!
Spring of 2014, I sat in a conference room in Washington, D.C. with two other representatives of the newly formed Autism Policy Reform Coalition (APRC) and five highly paid lobbyists from Autism Speaks. We were there in an effort to convince Autism Speaks that they should throw the might and weight of the most “profitable” nonprofit autism organization behind our efforts to make real change in federal autism policy.
Autism Policy Reform Coalition: Be a Part of the Solution
AUTISM: The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) say that 1 in 68 12-year-olds is on the autism spectrum. Given that those numbers represent a 30% increase from just two years ago, with no changes in diagnostic criteria since 1994 and no “official” identification of risk factors that could lead to prevention, and given that similar rises have occurred with every recent count, chances are very good that the numbers are already 30% higher for today’s 10-year-olds (1 in 52, which is close to the overall estimate for childhood incidence in the United States from a 2013 CDC study), and 30% higher than that for today’s 8-year-olds…